Los Alamitos Girls Softball League center badge


Ever season the league has a goal of sending All-Star teams to represent the league from May through July. Tournaments start in May and our goal is to get to the State tournament in July! If we qualify for Regionals or Nationals, that will be held end of July! It is quite an honor to represent our league in our All-Star season. All-Stars requires a significant financial and time commitment of each and every player and her parents. Practice will be held Monday through Friday unless teams are booked for a tournament. Please note that tournaments may have a call time as early as 3:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon. The game times are set by the hosting league, not ours.

All-Star Coaches Selection: Selection_of_Allstars-Coaches.pdf

If you are interested in coaching an All-Star team familiarize yourself with the league's rules of the selection process.

All-Star Player Selection: All Star Player Selection Updated 2012.pdf

For coaches and parents familiarize yourself with the league's player selection process. This is a very important process and is not to be discussed prior to May 1st