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Los Alamitos Girls Softball Select Program

LAGSL, select teams are selected by the manager of the team, who is selected by the league (who must be in good standing). The goal will be to offer two teams in each age division, with one team being a competitive team and the other being a practice team to pull from. The practice or "B" select team is still allowed to schedule friendlies and tournaments. The select program is meant to be a more competitive level of play and has a number of rules that are unique to the Select Program. Being a part of select will have additional cost approximately $150 that will cover umpire fees, uniform and socks additional cost might be needed depending on tournaments or any additional activities the manager schedules for the team. Practices for select will last 2hrs or more as games are played in a doubleheader format.


FALL: Try-outs for Fall Select will be after August 1st

LAGSL select team(s) may form August 1st of the current year and play until the third Sunday in December of the current year. Select games and practices start Sept 1st. All select teams MUST DISBAND by the third Sunday in December of the current year.

In fall, select teams are formed independently of recreational softball, must also play on a recreational team.

Select teams will be allowed to practice Sunday, Monday and Friday.

Game times/days/locations are determined by the manager/coach of the team. Games will typically be played on Sunday.

Teams are allowed to meet up to 3-times per week.

Players may not play on, practice with, and/or participate with any “A” Level type team at any time after participating with a LAGSL Select team.


SPRING: Try-outs for Spring Select will be after January 1st


LAGSL select team(s) may form after January 1st of the current year and play no later than March 31st of the current year. All select teams MUST DISBAND by March 31st of the current year. *For 2024 because Easter falls on the 31st teams will have one additional week April 7th*

In the spring, players who participate on a select team, must also play on a recreational team and make 50% of their games/practices for rec.

Teams are only allowed to meet for practices or games 1 time per week.


The week is Sunday to Saturday. Example if the team plays a game on Sunday, they are not allowed to have a game or practice until the following Sunday.


Players may not play on, practice with, and/or participate with any "A" Level type team at any time after participating with a LAGSL Select team.